Free Mom Hugs-Louisiana
Free Mom Hugs is a group of moms, friends, and allies who support the LGBTQ+ community. Their mission is to empower the world to celebrate the LGBTQ+ community through visibility, education, and conversation. They're building a better world, one hug at a time.
Forum for Equality
Forum for Equality is Louisiana’s LGBTQ+ human rights organization dedicated to the establishment of a society free from discrimination and to the support of good government. We believe that the fastest and most efficient way to achieve our goals is through community organization, education, and constructive participation in the political process. Since 1989, Forum has been active in Louisiana by helping to pass civil rights advancements for the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender communities.
Geaux Talk, created by the Louisiana Public Health Institute (LPHI), is doing incredible work to empower Louisianans and improve the health outcomes of our communities. Their campaign focuses on incorporating comprehensive sex education (CSE) into school curricula to address high rates of teen pregnancy and STDs. Geaux Talk's approach to CSE includes abstinence-based messages while also providing age-appropriate, medically accurate information. This allows parents and caregivers to select material that aligns with their family values and supports the health and well-being of their children.
It Gets Better Project
The It Gets Better Project is a nonprofit organization with a mission to uplift, empower, and connect lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer youth around the globe. @itgetsbetter
LGBT Archives Project of Louisiana
Explore the Louisiana LGBT Archives for a rich collection of historical documents, personal stories, and cultural materials that highlight the resilience and contributions of Louisiana’s LGBTQ community. This invaluable resource offers a deeper understanding of our shared history and the ongoing fight for equality. Visit to discover more about the legacy of LGBTQ activism in Louisiana and connect with a wealth of knowledge that empowers and inspires.​
Louisiana Trans Advocates
Louisiana Trans Advocates is the first statewide transgender advocacy and social support organization in Louisiana dedicated to promoting and ensuring equal opportunities for all persons. LTA is advancing the core human rights of self-determination and expression for all trans, nonbinary, and gender-nonconforming people in Louisiana. LTA works across the state at the institutional and governmental levels to make policies and legislation trans-inclusive. LTA has social support meetings in New Orleans, Baton Rouge, Lafayette, Lake Charles, and Shreveport, as well as at LSU.
PACE (People Acting for Change and Equality)
We are a nonpartisan organization dedicated to advancing equality in Northwest Louisiana, ensuring that the LGBTQ+ community can live open, honest, responsible, and safe lives both at home and in the workplace. @paceinthe318
PFLAG (Parents, Friends, and Family of Lesbians & Gays)
PFLAG is the nation's first and largest organization dedicated to supporting, educating, and advocating for LGBTQ+ people and those who love them. PFLAG has chapters in East Texas, Alexandria, Little Rock, Lafayette, Dallas, Northwest Arkansas, and New Orleans.
Trans Income Project
The Trans Income Project is a vital resource dedicated to improving financial stability and access to income for transgender and gender-diverse individuals. Through advocacy, financial assistance programs, and resources tailored to the unique challenges faced by the trans community, this organization works to promote equity and economic empowerment. Explore their programs to learn how they support trans individuals in achieving financial independence and overcoming barriers in the workplace and beyond. @trans_income_project